United Nations Teachers Education Summit 2022

There are moments in your life that change you, shape you, and even give you the drive to reach further than anyone. This summit in New York, bringing educators, nation leaders, education leaders, and dedicated people alike was such a moving experience. Education across the globe needs a change, a revamp. The way education is presented and the way educators teach cannot stay stagnant in a world that is constantly changing. Believe me when I say, I didn't know until I learned. Now that I've learned, I am honored to be a part of such a fantastic experience and cause. This summit changed my life and my perspective.

The quick and easy synopsis of this event is this. I spent a week in New York City, New York with a company One Million Teachers, photographing their input and determination to impact change on the education system in Nigeria. I was able to photograph them, and the ones that stand with them on the need for change. Being a photographer has been more than a hobby for me. It has turned into a life line to capture AMAZING moments in history.